Stage Play Reveiws
Stage plays on Club Penguin are at the Stage and there is a different one every month and it's here penguins put on a play for you and you can join in if you want to. This blog reviews some of my favourite stage plays with you.
The very first stage play was very exciting for penguins . And soon enough Aunt Artic announced that the Stage Play was Fairy Fables penguins were bursting into the stage to see the play! Penguins could buy all sorts of costumes some were silly some were magical and some were normal.The play is still played to day but less penguins are interested because its been played so many times. The characters are Twee, Big Bad Wool,Prince,Princess Grumpunzel. My favourite character is Big Bad Wool because hes so cool and I love his costume.
The second stage play was thought to be better than the first, and yes it was. It had dinosaurs in, you might know this, of course it was The Time That Penguins Forgot! It was very good because the costumes were very historical. The characters are Kek,Chester,Critteroo and finally Tiki. Oh yes my favourite character is Tiki because I like his grass skirt and because he's very funny!
Now this stage play was voted the best stage play ever that year . It must be The Quest For Golden Puffle.You could get a secret background hidden in the scene and you could actually see the golden puffle. Penguins were very shocked at this stage play because of that. Now the characters are Alaska,Yukon, Boris and King Ra Ra. My favourite characters is Alaska because shes a brilliant explorer.
The Fourth Stage play is The Ruby and the Ruby. It is a detective play ,but the special thing is that there's always a secret pin located in the stage for you to find.The characters are Jacques, Ruby,Tenor and last of all Dom.Now my favourite character is Dom because he's very handsome and because he tells funny jokes! But anyway I think the stage play is good because there's a secret pin to look for.You can't really do any cheats in the catalogue because the pin is in return for the cheats.
The Fifth is called Planet y it is my favourite play by miles. I really looked forward to it this year.The characters are Captain Snow, Ensigh,Tin can, Zip and Quip/Qua. I think these are very cool characters indeed. In fact I wouldn't mind if I could help run the stage play. Anyway, my favourite character is Zip because he's an alien and I think aliens are wicked! So this is partly why I like it so much.
The sixth stage play is Squidzoid vs Gamma Gal and Shadow Guy.This stage play is a hero story where Gammagal and Shadowguy are trying to defeat the evil Squidzoid! The characters are the heroes and the bad guy, reporter and a witness. I don't really have a favourite character but if I had to choose it would be one of the heroes. I think this is good, not brilliant because the music that goes with it isn't good.
The Seventh is Team Red VS Team Blue. It's a stage play where there is dodge ball match and its acting out it.The Characters are Zeus, Peppy,Tate, Jupiter, Judges, Bella, Referee, Eric, Scarlet and of cause the team members. My Favourite Character is Eric because he's a good dodger! I really like this one because its so energetic and hyper. I would recommend this stage play to you viewers out there.So I can't wait for it to come out again XD !
The Eighth stage play is the Twelfth Fish.The characters are Jester,Countless, Bard and finally the fish. My favourite character is The fish because he's got an awesome costume! Well I like this Play, but I don't know about you? Anyway I would go and see this stage play when its on at the stage. And that's going to be soon by the way.
OK I've missed out quite a few Plays because they did not start between 2006-2008 sorry about that but I'll soon update. So here are the Plays Ive missed out :
Stage Construction
Viking Opera
Norman Swarm
Bamboo Forest
Underwater Expedition
Humbug Holiday
Penguin Play Awards
Night of the living Sled
Battle Of the Ancient Shadows
My awesome Life
Why don't you email me and let me know your favourite stage plays?
Posted by P41690
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